1. Project Title: Protect, Secure, Prosper (PSP)
Project theme: COVID awareness generation and capacity building
- Promoting 50 Master Trainers on COVID Basics, Mask production, Hand Sanitizer production and overall as well as Purulia specific Government Schemes and entitlements available and how access the same by eligible persons/households;
- Awareness generation among and capacity building of women SHG members on COVID Basics, Mask production, Hand Sanitizer production and available Government Schemes;
- IEC development and dissemination
Area: Barabazar and Manbazar-1 Blocks of Purulia district
- Developing 4 context specific Training modules in Bengali with support from Oxfam for digital training of teachers (TOT).
- Identifying 25 active SHG members from each Block to be promoted as Master Trainers.
- Organising 4 separate TOT sessions through digital aid with support from Oxfam abiding by COVID safety protocol.
- Orientation of Master Trainers on their roles and responsibility.
- Imparting trainings to altogether 5000 SHG members and Manbazar I Barabazar blocks by Master Trainers on COVID Basics, Mask production, Hand Sanitizer production and available Government Scheme.
- Displaying COVID 19 related messages conspicuously through wall writing in oft haunted/crowded place.
2. Project Title: Humanitarian Assistance to the People Affected by Cyclone Amphan in West Bengal, India
Project Theme: Saving Life Now and in Future
- Emergency Shelter/ NFI – Most vulnerable households affected by Amphan in West Bengal and Odisha,
- Access to resources for improving their shelter to survive the adversities of weather, and
- Prevent the spread of COVID 19 by practicing ‘Safe Distancing’.
Area: Teorpara, Chandpara, Paschimpara and Metekhali villages under Nazat II Gram Pnachayat in Sandeshkhali I Block North 24 Paraganas district.
- Provide 600 shelter kits for the worst affected households;
- Distribution of 600 Hygiene and Safety Kits among the affected households;
- Water testing, chlorination of Water points that got destroyed/ damaged during cyclone “Amphan”.
Read more about this project.